Monday, January 17, 2011

Cool Computer Games

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Over the last 10 years there have been a lot of cool computer games on the market. I remember one of the first games I ever played was the first version of prince of Persia, at the time a very entertaining game. After that I moved on to quake and quake 2, which lead to grand theft auto. When grand theft auto came out it really revolutionized computer games and especially the multiplayer function was really interesting.

The next big step that came in computer games was when red alert and starcraft came out, these games where so cool and you could literally spend hours on these two games alone. Especially playing the multiplayer version really boosted the ratings of these games. They were your typical strategy games where you would build a base, upgrade it, protect it and then of course go to war with your opponents. Right now they are producing starcraft two and millions of people around the world are eagerly awaiting the release of this specific game.

However, of all the games ever produced the adventure games continue to be the most popular ones. Today the undeniably most popular one is World of Warcraft. I remember back in the day when Everquest was the most popular one. Everquest was literally a universe of its own; a world where you could spend hundreds of hours and time would just fly by.

There are several reasons why these games are so popular. The first reason is that it is an online game and it allows you to interact with other people from all over the world, social interaction is actually a very big part of these games. The second reason is that it fulfills our human need of constantly feeling like we are developing and improving, in these games you go up in levels and your skills become better the more you play.

Now World of Warcraft has taken the place of Everquest and there are literally help center were they help World of Warcraft addicts because some of them lose their jobs, girlfriends, money and health due to their addiction to constantly playing this game. Some of these players play up to 20 hours a day and literally live in front of the computer and their whole life revolves around this made up universe. I think it is fun to play these games, but you really need to monitor the time you spend so you don't end up life these people.

amazon to Pigg

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