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In the future we will need to build better Virtual Reality Systems and Computer Games to more mimic the life experience to please the human mind. Additionally, these systems must be able to continually build the virtual reality scenario as it goes. For instance in most all computer games the computer game is in a certain setting and the user feels like he or she has free will and yet they really do not because the game is played in a location setting.
Let me explain; if we are using a Football Computer Game, we are in the Stadium playing football or in the locker room discussing the game. But if we get dejected from the game or decide to leave the game does not go there. So the next generation of Xbox gaming designers must take this into consideration.
For instance what if the game setting is the San Diego Chargers playing at home and you are on the field as a player. You decide screw this game and go into the parking lot get into your Sport Car and head to the beach first stopping at an Alberto's all night taco stand? Well the game will not do that will it? But in the reality of Free Will, and a more life like VR experience it should be able too. However, that would mean it could take a lifetime to design the game. But not if the game designed itself as the game went along.
Now then lets apply JIT or just-in-time distribution theory to this case study. If the game was set to interact in real time on the net and with GPS automobile systems then your game could in-fact take you in real time out of the stadium to the Taco Stand. Additionally, it would be gathering and assimilating data as it went. Consider if you will the Steven King Novel where time is being eaten from behind them and the people are trying to stay ahead of time and in the present.
This is similar only in reverse and the JIT theory would deliver additional algorithms and future scenes too the player as they went, for unlimited possibilities, which most likely most resembles free will. That is where the future of computer games and Virtual Reality needs to take us to mimic the life experience. Consider all this in 2006.
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